Sunday, January 1, 2012

What Do I Want? - My Outcomes

First of all the things I need to have is direction and purpose - I am pretty sure of this at this point in time. The goals all have a deadline go 31/12/2012

What would I look like if I were Magic?

I am a tall, strong, confident man, with a strong supple, energetic body, free of disease and infirmity. I smile warmly, not just with my mouth, but with my eyes as well. I am relaxed and calm, with ears that truly listen, eyes that see things as they are, and a heart that is loving, open and accepting.

As a husband I make sure that my wife knows that she is number one in my life. I am romantic, and keep the lines of communication open at all times. I listen to Lizzie and choose my reactions carefully.

As a Father I am always conscious that my actions will speak louder than my words. Whatever I want from my daughter, I must demonstrate.

As Head of The House I keep my head in any crisis, and calmly guide my family through the storms and rapids to safe waters. I provide utterly and completely, emotionally, spiritually and physically, and with a clear voice, giving space for everyone’s voice to be heard.

Physically I take care of and maintain my body, fully remembering that it is the only one that I have, and that it will serve me well if I serve it. I exercise, eat and rest with this in mind. My body is a wondrous thing, and I must always treat it as such. I have a BMI of 25 (Weigh 85 KG), and have the sight, hearing and energy of someone 1/2 my age.

Emotionally I remember that no matter what the circumstance, I can choose my reaction. I see things for what they are, strive to improve what I can, and accept what I cannot. I know that my thoughts, physiology and language help me manage my emotions, yet I do not suppress them, giving them room to express themselves. I aim to be closer to God in every moment.

My Relationships with all people are empathetic. Any judgment I make is simply a sign that I nee to examine an aspect of my life, and perhaps improve it. I only ever talk about people as if they are in the room with me. When speaking my truth, I acknowledge that it is my truth and no one else’s, and they are under no obligation to agree with me. The most important thing that I can do in any relationship is to act the way that I would like people to act. I listen fully to other people’s points of view. I know that relationships require nurturing, regardless of whether they are at home or in the workplace. My family and friends are irreplaceable and must be treated as such. My relationship with myself is every bit as loving as it is with those around me.

My time is a precious, slowly depleting resource. I remind myself that today will never come again, so I must use it wisely. I plan my time usage, making sure that the important is what I concentrate on, followed by the important and urgent. The rest is merely distracting me from living a truly fulfilled life. Above all, I can get so much more out of life simply by being present.

At work I ask myself “If everyone acted this way, would it make things better or worse?” I do the job to the very best of my ability, managing my time well. I am a proactive cheerful worker, and a visionary leader, allowing everyone to have their voice heard. I am fair and equitable in the workplace, only expecting of others what I expect of myself. I maintain clear outcomes that can easily be explained to those around me. My relationships at work are conducted in the same way as anywhere else in my life – listen with consideration, speak truth courageously, and back this up with actions of integrity.

I will apply "THe 8th Habit" to transform my workplace, My band will have a highly profitable, hit recording, and I will complete my Masters.

Finance I keep specific outcomes in mind. I realize that every life will have financial speed humps for which I had best prepare, and negotiate.

My life is already more abundant that 99% of the world’s population could imagine. Knowing this, I manage and share my wealth prudently and with an attitude of gratitude. As I increase my financial position, I know that I will have more to share. Money comes and money goes, so it is important to act quickly to exponentially increase my wealth.

I will complete my Power Sellers Course, and match my wage with outside income. I will halve the debt in my house, sand ensure that 10% of my wage is invested.

My Celebrations and Contributions

What an abundance of good things I have – my wife, my child, my friends and Family. My job, my possessions, and my talents and knowledge. How much greater is my joy when I acknowledge these gifts! I am thankful for this every day!

I know that contributing to the world rewards me. I am generous with my time, talents, and resources. I also know that one of my greatest contributions is to be the example of how I would like the world to be. I will contribute 10% of my earnings to charity, and an hour a week of my time to someone in the community.

So now I know what to be, do think, and feel. Will I always achieve it? NO! Will I forgive myself and gently steer myself back onto my best path? YES! There is nothing for me but profit by choosing this path today.

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