Physically: I weigh 84Kg (BMI just under 26), suffer from hearing loss (a hazard of being a professional musician), have slight vision impairment (though not enough to Warrant Glasses), am slightly inflexible, with a shoulder that aches all the time. Having said that, I did pass my work medical assessment with flying colours, so I am not exactly an invalid.
Emotions & Meanings I am easily put out of kilter by challenging circumstances (especially physical), and can focus on what is happening to my, rather than what I can do (and feel) about it.
Relationships: My relationship with my wife is what Robbins terms 3 dimensional (Mind body and spirit), and level 3 (we are both vitally interested in each others needs. Having said that, I believe that there is no such thing as enough passion in any relationship, and also know that there are things that my Wife would love to have (new car, renovations, holidays). We both dearly want more time with just the two of us.
My relationship with my daughter is very close, but what I really want is to be an outstanding example of possibility. I realise that the most important thing I can to is to lead by being a role-model. This means that I really must raise the bar in every facet of my life. Spending time with her, being patient, loving and strong at ALL times (not just when it is easy) is paramount. At the moment I am not the father OR example that I want to be.
My relationships with friends, family and workmate are often hampered by my not listening with the aim of truly hearing their point of view.
Time: Currently when I plan my week, I achieve a lot. I am hamstrung by not planning EVERY week in advance, with my long-term outcomes in mind. I also can burn time by doing things that are neither important or urgent - I'm looking at you Facebook!
Work & Career: Although I am in a satisfying job, I know that I can make a greater contribution towards it being a better, more effective place. On top of this, my band is performing occasionally, but has no recordings out, and no corporate work. I have not yet completed 1 subject from my first year of my Masters.
Finances: Today someone was telling me about "first world problems". My finances would fit into this category. I have a house, and a car, and little debt, and so am in a relatively good place compared to many of my friends. However, my income does not match what I want, I am not solidly investing, and my debts are not being paid off in an orderly fashion.
Contribution & Celebration: My contributions (both monetary and time wise) are haphazard eat best. I do not spend enough time being grateful for what I have.
So tomorrow - what is my plan?
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