Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 9 - Big Day

Well, it has been a HUGE day, going from 7 in the morning until 8 at night. Some things got done, some didn't.

Aerobic exercise - done (consisting of a walk and lots of cycling).
Egoscue 1/2 Done
Lymphacizing - Not Done
Breathing -Done
Connecting Heart and mine - Done. This is something that I have not concentrated on - the idea of just quietly being still and focussing on my breath, centring myself. The best part of this is that you can do this at any time. I have concentrated on the physical, but not so much on the emotional and spiritual.

The highlight was that I managed to keep to the dietary guidelines, simply by taking all of my food with me.

In all honesty, one needs to really plan one's time as well if you want to do all of the exercises. The fact that I am only occasionally missing out, whilst experiencing a heavy workload shows that noone is too busy if they really want to do the 10 day challenge.

ONE MORE DAY - but who knows - I might continue on this path...

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