Yesterday I looked at a balance sheet, toting up assets and Liabilities. The end result was very encouraging - I have a net worth of about one and a quarter million dollars!
But then I had a look at things more closely.
Most of the things that were of value were not really assets. I have a house, but it does not earn me any money (although the fact that it is Mortgage Free means that it is saving me rent!). My car does not earn me money either. Both in fact COST money for upkeep.
I looked at my various investments - my retirement fund is growing at 10% PA, but is inaccessible for 14 years. I have money in an index fund, and it is growing (and earning franked dividends which I am re-investing). I have money in an online account, which is earning 3.75% PA, and a term deposit, which is earning 3.8% PA. All in all, I could liquidate everything and have $1.25M, but in its current form, my assets earn me a grand total of $5000 PA (before tax!).
Looking at this in the cold hard light of day, I am getting a return of .4%.
I know that I want to get more out of my assets, and grow them exponentially.
In other news, my body is responding to the training, and my heart rate is staying lower, whilst I am running faster. The dog is starting to find it a bit harder to stay with me on the run!
Footnote: After looking at my finances yesterday, a cheque for $95,000 arrived in the mail! ENergy flows where focus goes. I have given myself until July to work out what to do with it.
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