Monday, January 20, 2014

The Gap Map: Personal Mastery Plan

I have an RPM Planner.  It's a huge filofax style planner, that requires almost an A4 size hole in my suitcase.  It is incredibly inconvenient to carry, and often makes me feel like a wander when I carry it around.

However, it does keep everything in one place, and has pages like The Gap Map: Personal Mastery Plan.

Today I filled it out again, looking at what I reckon refection would be like in different parts of my life:
Physical, Emotional/Spiritual, Relationships, Time management, Career, Finances, and Contribution.  I reckon that most of the things we do in our lives will fit into one or more of those categories.  Firstly you look at what you want, why you want it, how to get there, and possible traps, and then where you are now.  It really works.  I first did it at Unleash The Power Within in 2007, and update it regularly.  It really helps me when planning my days/weeks/years.

Using your time wisely has all to do with making sure that you are heading in the right direction with your actions - Steven Covey said that the compass is more important than the clock.  His Book "First Things First" is a brilliant explanation of this, and Robbins' "Time of Your Life" is further explanation.

Well worth a read (an implementation) for anyone wanting to achieve their dreams.

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