Saturday, January 11, 2014

Knowing The Shortcuts

In virtually every get-rich scheme that I have either participated in or had sold to me, the concept of free time comes into it.

The logic goes like this; work your arse off to afford the course, work your arse off doing the course, work your arse off enacting the knowledge, then eventually you don't have to work another day in your life!

The only problem with this logic is that if you are the sort of person who works their arse off, you probably enjoy it, and find it hard to relax with all that hard work!

I'm incredibly wealthy - probably in the top 1% of the world, partly as an accident of birth (being born and living in a fortunate country - Australia), partly through taking advantage of my opportunities( not squandering them).

So if wealth is doing what you like, when you like, wherever you like,  with whomever you like, then I reckon two weeks holiday surfing in summer near Sydney with my family is pretty good.

I get the feeling that learning to relax early, living within your means whilst doing what you love is the way to go.  I could be financially independent tomorrow, and still be doing the same job!

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