Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I have been trying to finish a 15000 word Thesis as part of a Masters degree for a long time (18 months).  It has been hard trying to get over the line.

Until today.

Today I asked two friends, each with far more experience in academic matters than I would ever have, for help. And the help flowed forth with such generosity.  I sometime forget that even when working on my own, it is as a result of the help of those around me, and those who went before me.  Every word that I type here today was evolved long before I used it.  Almost all of the things I do use techniques developed by others.  

I might as well keep asking for help.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

New Start

Today I went to the doctors.  After lots of prodding, poking and testing, plus a procedure under general Anaesthetic, I was given a clean bill of health (finally).  The feeling was overwhelmingly of relief, and excitement that issue which had preoccupied me for so long was over.

Unfortunately, I was given no reason as to how I became unhealthy, but I can guess that demanding high performance from my body, whilst not nourishing it properly, and sometimes even poisoning it might have had something to do with it.

Yesterday I went to the chiropractor that had got me (I believe) onto a line of cure for various physical issues, using a combination of treatments in her rome, plus some supplements.  I told her that I really felt a sense that I needed to make some dietary changes, and wondered whether a detox was in order.  She muscle tested me (check out kinesiology if you want to find out more), and said that a major detox would just make me sicker.

I have always loved the radical detox in the past, such as the 10 day challenge that one does on the back of Unleash The Power Within, or the 10 day reboot recommended in "Fat , Sick & Nearly Dead", but my body was saying that it needed something else.  In the end I was told to forego gluten, sugar (yes, that includes alcohol) and dairy produce until further notice.  Coincidentally, those are the substances that I overindulged in, especially over Christmas.  I look forward to seeing the results.

I have also decided to exercise at a lower intensity for a month, to give my body some recovery time.  Most importantly, I now have the headspace to tackle other things in my life.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


As it's a month since I made my goals for theyear, I thought it best to check in on how they are going.

  •     Live in a Safe House and Garden, free of clutter
Currently there is a mass of junk, even if it is hiding in storage.  The Garden is full of uncut lumber, and the fences badly need attention.
  • ·      Have the financial resources to cover any surprises.
I have at this stage not had to use any debt to cover expenses, so far so good
  • ·      Have enacted a financial plan to guarantee financial abundance
I have looked at my assets, and observed how they are performing. Now it is time to see how they can perform better.
  • ·      Add maximum value to every gig I do.
I have only had a few gigs, but have remained sober, and prepared the best I could.
  • ·      Have full sensory acuity.
My hearing and Sight are still compromised - tinitis and far sightedness.
  • ·      Weigh under 78kg
I weigh around 83kg, thanks to a long holiday, but look forward to losing the weight

  • ·      Have a strong, flexible, energetic, freely moving body.

My body is strong, but not as flexible as I would like.  Still recovering with my Achilles, but many of my ills have seemed to have gone away! Energy could be better - probably goes along with a diet that helps me lose weight.
  • ·      Am an elite athlete.
I seem to manage to come last or second last in every event in which I compete!  Howeve, I wanted to compete so that I could see where I stand with other athletes of my age, and can now prepare for this.
  • ·      Live in a 3 dimensional, level three marriage.
I am very happy, but would like to improve the physical side, and be more aware of Lizzie's needs in all things.
  • ·      Am guiding my daughter to a wonderful adulthood.
My darling daughter is 12, and growing up so quickly.  It is easy for me to overreact when she acts out emotionally, owing to hormones or other reasons.  She has started High School this year, very successfully
  • ·      Use my time to maximum effect, for play and work.
I have planned my week, using RPM.  Look forward to seeing the rewards!
  • ·      Am present.
Still let my mind wander - but now I am more aware of it, and am aiming to reduce distractions.
  • ·      Am an agent of change in my workplace.
I am making sure that I am doing my job as well as I can, and being positive with other people.

  • ·      Contribute to the society around me both financially and practically.

I have already started to become more involved in my daughter's school band program as a volunteer.  Looking to make large financial contributions in general.
  • ·      Have effective promotional material for my band.
I want to have a package that explains the band in a matter of moments
  • ·      Have found the resources to finance the things I love, whilst growing my capital.
I always seem to use capital to pay for major things, instead of using the income from the capital.
  • ·      Have completed my Masters of Music
One thesis to go! Work begins tomorrow, with March 31 as my deadline.
  • ·      Am planning an overseas trip for the family.

Keep putting this to the bottom of the list.  Will look at my options this week.