So what are the 6 human needs, according to Big Tony?
Certainty vs Uncertainty/Variety
Significance vs Connection & Love
Growth and Contribution.
A Class 1 experience:
• feels good - satisfies at least 4 of the 6 human needs.
• is good for you
• is good for others
• serves the greater good
2. Most people want to avoid Class 2 experiences, but mastering them brings us the most joy, growth and fulfillment.
A Class 2 experience:
• does not feel good
• is good for you
• is good for others
• serves the greater good
3. Nonproductive Class 3 experiences provide immediate pleasure but eventually destroy our quality of life and give us ultimate pain. Drinking or eating to excess could fit into this category.
A Class 3 experience:
• feels good
• is not good for you
• is not good for others
• does not serve the greater good
4. People often indulge in Class 4 experiences as a result of peer pressure, conditioning or old belief systems. Smoking cigarettes, for example, usually doesn’t feel good the first time, yet many people continue to do it.
A Class 4 experience:
• does not feel good
• is not good for you
• is not good for others
• does not serve the greater good
The secret to a happy and fulfilled life is learning to convert Class 2 experiences into Class 1—making the process of doing them feel good as well as be good.
What is something that you love to do? How does it score out of 10?
Doing The Happy Body:
Certainty 10 Uncertainty/Variety 8
Significance 10 Connection & Love 9
Growth 10 Contribution. 9
What is something that you hate to do, and how does it score out of 10?
Getting Uniforms Ready:
Certainty 4 Uncertainty/Variety 0
Significance 2 Connection & Love 3
Growth 0 Contribution. 0
What is something that you don't do, which is a class 2 experience, but you need to do it.
How can you reframe it so that it becomes a class 1 experience?
Writing Music
Certainty - Develop a routine - 24 minutes a day. Remember - a composer composes.
Uncertainty/Variety - feel free to leap between genres and projects. Move when it feels hard.
Significance - Share your music with people. Register your music with APRA
Connection & Love - Play your music with and for people.
Growth - listen and develop your skills as a composer/songwriter. Increase your technical and playing skills.
Contribution - Be willing to be of service to people who need composed music.
Let's see how that works out!