Three Months into the year, and time to take stock again.
Most importantly, I have failed to write down my "Signposts", so there is no point in assessing where I am. Without referring to our long range outcomes on a regular basis (at least weekly), there's little point in making them. As the year and all of it's dramas has sucked me in, I have lived from day to day, and forgotten about the things that I really want to be, do and have. So my current assessment is:
- Live in a Safe House and Garden, free of clutter
Currently there is a mass of junk, even if it is hiding in storage. The Garden is full of uncut lumber, and the fences badly need attention.
- · Have the financial resources to cover any surprises.
I am budgeting well, and have the wherewithal to cover any emergencies.
- · Have enacted a financial plan to guarantee financial abundance
I know that I will be financially secure in my old age, but now need to work towards abundance.
- · Add maximum value to every gig I do.
"Putting in" more at gigs now, especially at work.
- · Have full sensory acuity.
My hearing and Sight are compromised - tints and far sightedness.
I weigh around 82kg, which is healthy, but I know that being a little lighter will make me faster and less prone to injury
- · Have a strong, flexible, energetic, freely moving body.
I have just suffered so much with two(!) abscesses in my mouth, a true indicator of being run down.
I have taken a running lesson, and am becoming a faster runner.
- · Live in a 3 dimensional, level three marriage.
I am very happy, but would like to improve the physical side, and be more aware of Lizzie's needs in all things. I need to be supportive, without being her coach or manager
- · Am guiding my daughter to a wonderful adulthood.
My aim at the moment is to be a good example and acknowledge her emotions, without taking them on.
- · Use my time to maximum effect, for play and work.
I have not been planning weeks, or referring to my goals when I do. Just floating from thing to thing.
Still let my mind wander - I miss out on so much!
- · Am an agent of change in my workplace.
I am doing my very best to be an example of a good way to run my job.
- · Contribute to the society around me both financially and practically.
Still donating financially, and now becoming involved in community soccer and Music
- · Have effective promotional material for my band.
I want to have a package that explains the band in a matter of moments
- · Have found the resources to finance the things I love, whilst growing my capital.
I always seem to use capital to pay for major things, instead of using the income from the capital. Still need to find effective investments for my capital.
- · Have completed my Masters of Music
One thesis to go!
- · Am planning an overseas trip for the family.
Keep putting this to the bottom of the list. Time to move it up!
What amazes me is that progress HAS been made, despite being off the rails. Having said this, with constant referral to my outcome for 2014, I am sure that things can be even better.